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Developing a Schema

What is a schema?

The Schema of SpiceDB or a Permissions System in Authzed defines the types of objects found, how those objects relate to one another, and the permissions that can be computed off of those relations.

Examples of object types include resources, users, groups, documents, or any kind of object either being protected or for whom something is being protected.

For the exhaustive description of the language used to write schemas, check out the schema language reference.

This guide does not specify prefixes on its definitions. Authzed Enterprise, Authzed Dedicated, SpiceDB and the playground tool accept schema without prefixes, but they are required in Authzed Serverless.

If you intend to deploy these examples to Authzed Serverless, you'll need to place yourprefix/ in front of all definitions and references like so:

definition document { ... } -> definition yourprefix/document { ... }

Defining object types

The first step in defining the schema is to write one or more object definitions, indicating the types of objects supported in your permissions system. Object definitions can be thought of as analogous to a class in an object oriented programming language (without the inheritance), or tables in a relationship database.

For this example, let's imagine a basic system consisting of a resource to be protected, such as a document, and users that can potentially access that resource.

We begin by defining each of the object types via the definition keyword:

/** user represents a registered user's account in our application */
definition user {}

/** document represents a document with access control */
definition document {}

So far, our schema and object definitions don't do much: They define the two types of objects for our system, but as they don't have any relations or permissions defined, the objects cannot be related to one another in any form, nor can we check any permissions on them.

Defining relations

Our next step, therefore, is to decide how our objects can relate to one another, thus defining the kind of relationships we can store in SpiceDB or Authzed.

For this example, we've chosen a simple RBAC-style permissions model, where users can be granted a role, such as reader, on our resource (document).

The choice of RBAC therefore means that the relationship between our resource (document) and our users will be defined by the roles we want. We can therefore start by defining a relation on our document type to represent one of these roles (here, reader):

/** user represents a registered user's account in our application */
definition user {}

/** document represents a document with access control */
definition document {
  /** reader indicates that the user is a reader on the document */
  relation reader: user

Note the inclusion of user on the right hand side of the relation: This indicates that only objects of type user can relate via a reader relationship to a document.

If we wanted more than a single allowed object type, the | character can be used:

relation reader: user | anotherobjecttype

Validating our schema

To validate that our schema is correct, the Authzed Playground supports the writing of Test Relationships to define the test data for our system. Via the test relationships, we can define test data to be used for validation and verification in three places:

  • Checks Watches: Live checks performed as we edit the schema
  • Assertions: Assertions to be verified when validation is run
  • Expected Relations: Exhaustive listing of all expected permissions and relations for a schema when validation is run

What can we ask?

With the definition of our two object types, and the reader relation on our document resource, we now have enough to answer a basic question:

Is a specific user a reader on a specific document?

In Authzed, such a question is answered via use of a CheckPermission call, which takes in two objects (the resource and the subject), as well as a possible permission (or relation) between them (the permission), and returns whether the subject is reachable from the resource.

Can a specific user read the specific document?
      |___________| |__|     |_______________|
         subject permission      resource

To add this question for validation in the Authzed Playground, we must translate the question into the Test Relationships and the Assertions.

Creating test relationships

To translate a CheckPermission, we first must write a relationship to represent the test data for the request.

First, let's reframe our question a bit to make the example easier:

Is [specificuser] <reader> [specificdocument]?

To test the above, we need to add at least one relationship from a document to a user, indicating that the user is a reader on the document.

First, we must translate the objects into their object reference forms:

document:specificdocument <reader> user:specificuser

Note that we've reversed the order here: Relationships always go from the resource (here specificdocument) to the subject.

Here, we've indicated to Authzed that the object is of kind document, while the subject is user, since those are the types we defined above. The portion of the relationship after the : is the ID of each of the objects.

Note that we are using IDs specificdocument and specificuser in the object references.

In a real system, object IDs are most likely to be the primary key of the rows for these objects in the database tables representing documents and users, respectively. Users are also sometimes represented by an external ID, such as the sub field of an OAuth token.

The choice of object IDs is up to you, but must be unique and stable within the set of IDs for an object type.

Next, we need to indicate how the user is translated into a subject: In SpiceDB and Authzed, a subject is itself an object, and is therefore represented as an object reference (here user:specificuser) as well as an optional sub-relation.

document:specificdocument <reader> user:specificuser

Note that we could have just as easily defined a relation on the user and used it instead. A defined non-empty relation is typically used if you want to have multiple ways to represent an object as a subject.

For example, if the subject was a group, we might want to define our relation to accept group#members and have our relationship reference group:specificgroup#members, to indicate it is the group's members that are reader, rather than the group itself.

The final step in translating is to link the object references by the relation we've created:

|_______________________| |____| |_______________|
        resource         relation     subject

To connect our two object references via our relation reader, we use the syntax # and @ to create the final relationship string.

We now have a valid [relationship] representing that specificuser can view specificdocument, which we can place into the "Test Data" tab of the Playground:

Writing Assertions

Now that we have a super-basic schema, and some data to validate, we can write assertions that can be run to ensure that our schema matches our expectations.

Assertions are written in a YAML form, with two sections (assertTrue and assertFalse), each containing a list of zero or more relationships (implicit or defined) to verify.

For our example, we wish to verify that the specific user we just gave the reader role indeed has said role, so we can write an assertion to validate it:

  - "document:specificdocument#reader@user:specificuser"
assertFalse: []

Similarly, if we wanted to validate that another user does not have that role, we can add that unexpected relationship to the assertFalse branch:

  - "document:specificdocument#reader@user:specificuser"
  - "document:specificdocument#reader@user:anotheruser"

Validation can be run by clicking the Validate button in the Playground

In addition the assertions tab, the Playground supports the use of "Check Watches", which are live assertions are run on all edit changes made. Check Watches are super useful when you are actively editing a schema, so you can in real-time know if you have made a breaking change.


Writing Expected Relations

In addition to Assertions, the Authzed Playground also supports the concept of Expected Relations, which can be used to exhaustively check the membership of relations or permissions.

The Expected Relations consists of a YAML-formatted map, with each key representing a relation, and the values being a list of strings holding the full set of expected relations.

For example, we can write an Expected Relations of the form:

document:specificdocument#reader: []

After hitting the Update button, we are given the fully expanded form:

  - "[user:specificuser] is <document:specificdocument#reader>"

While not demonstrating much more power than the assertions we wrote above, Expected Relations becomes more powerful once we add additional relations and, later, permissions to our schema.

Expanding our configuration

While being able to ask whether a user is a reader of a document is super useful, it is expected that the majority of permissions systems will consist of more than a single role.

As we discussed at the beginning of the guide, for our example we'd like to have a second role, that of writer, which will allow us to check if a user is a writer on the document.

Adding the writer relation

To begin, we once again start by adding another relation, in this case writer:

/** user represents a registered user's account in our application */
definition user {}

/** document represents a document with access control */
definition document {
  /** reader indicates that the user is a reader on the document */
  relation reader: user

  /** writer indicates that the user is a writer on the document */
  relation writer: user

Next, we'd like to be able to test our new relation, so we add another test relationship for a different user:


To verify our test relationships worked, we can add another assertion, and also assert that the original user (specificuser) is not a writer:

- "document:specificdocument#reader@user:specificuser
- "document:specificdocument#writer@user:differentuser
- "document:specificdocument#reader@user:anotheruser"
- "document:specificdocument#writer@user:specificuser"

Finally, we can add an expected relation for the new relation, to validate it:

  - "[user:specificuser] is <document:specificdocument#reader>"
  - "[user:differentuser] is <document:specificdocument#writer>"

Defining permissions

The above configuration and validation exposes one issue, however: users are assigned to a single relation writer or reader, but what if we wanted all users who could write a document to also be able to read a document?

As a naive solution, we could create a reader relationship for every user whenever we create a writer relationship, but that would get difficult to maintain very quickly.

Instead, we'd ideally like a user with role writer to be implicitly allowed to a read a document, such that we only ever need to write one relationship representing the user's actual relation/role to the document.

The solution to this problem is the second concept available within the Schema Language: permissions

A permission in schema defines a permission computed from one or more other relations or permissions.

Let's take our schema again from above:

/** user represents a registered user's account in our application */
definition user {}

/** document represents a document with access control */
definition document {
  /** reader indicates that the user is a reader on the document */
  relation reader: user

  /** writer indicates that the user is a writer on the document */
  relation writer: user

Previously, we were Checking if a specific user had a specific role (such as reader) on the document. Now, however, we want to Check if a specific user has a specific permission on the document, such as the ability to view the document.

To support this use case, we can define a permission:

/** user represents a registered user's account in our application */
definition user {}

/** document represents a document with access control */
definition document {
  /** reader indicates that the user is a reader on the document */
  relation reader: user

  /** writer indicates that the user is a writer on the document */
  relation writer: user

  /** view indicates whether the user can view the document */
  permission view = reader + writer

A permission, unlike a relation, does not represent a concrete relationship between a resource and a subject. Rather, the permission is computed based on the expression found after the =. Here, we compute the view permission to include any users found to have either the reader OR writer role, thus allowing users with either (or both) roles to view the document, as we intended.

Updating our expected relations

Now that we've updated our schema with our new permission, we can update our assertions and expected relations to ensure it functions as we expect.

To start, we add an assertion that checks if the users can view the document:

  - "document:specificdocument#reader@user:specificuser"
  - "document:specificdocument#writer@user:differentuser"
  - "document:specificdocument#view@user:specificuser"
  - "document:specificdocument#view@user:differentuser"
  - "document:specificdocument#reader@user:anotheruser"
  - "document:specificdocument#writer@user:specificuser"

Next, we can update the expected relations to add the view permission, and ensure that both users have that permission on the document:

  - "[user:specificuser] is <document:specificdocument#reader>"
  - "[user:differentuser] is <document:specificdocument#writer>"
  - "[user:specificuser] is <document:specificdocument#reader>"
  - "[user:differentuser] is <document:specificdocument#writer>"

Note that the contents of the angled brackets for differentuser and specificuser are different: they indicate the relation by which the permission was transitively granted.

Expected Relations includes the relation by which a subject was found for a permission to ensure that not only is the permission is valid, but also that the way a permission was validated matches that expected.

If there are multiple ways that a subject can be found for a permission, Expected Relations will require all of them to be listed to be valid.

Working example

Preparing to inherit permissions

As we've seen above, we can use permission to define implicit permissions, such as a view permission consisting of users either the reader or writer role. Implicit permissions on a specific object type, however, are often insufficient: Sometimes permissions need to be inherited between object types.

As an example: Imagine that we add the concept of an organization to our permissions system, where any user that is an administrator of an organization automatically gains the ability to view any document within that organization... how would we define such a permissions schema?

Defining the organization type

To begin, we must first define the object type that represents our organization, including the administrator relation, to represent the administrator role for users:

/** user represents a registered user's account in our application */
definition user {}

/** organization represents an organization that contains documents */
definition organization {
  /** administrator indicates that the user is an admin of the org */
  relation administrator: user

/** document represents a document with access control */
definition document {
  /** reader indicates that the user is a reader on the document */
  relation reader: user

  /** writer indicates that the user is a writer on the document */
  relation writer: user

  /** view indicates whether the user can view the document */
  permission view = reader + writer

Connecting organizations and documents

In order for our inheritance to function, we must define a way to indicate that a document "lives" under an organization. Fortunately, this is just another relationship (between a document and its parent organization), so we can use another relation within the document type:

/** user represents a registered user's account in our application */
definition user {}

/** organization represents an organization that contains documents */
definition organization {
  /** administrator indicates that the user is an admin of the org */
  relation administrator: user

/** document represents a document with access control */
definition document {
  /** docorg indicates that the organization owns this document */
  relation docorg: organization

  /** reader indicates that the user is a reader on the document */
  relation reader: user

  /** writer indicates that the user is a writer on the document */
  relation writer: user

  /** view indicates whether the user can view the document */
  permission view = reader + writer

Here we've chosen to call this relation docorg, but it could be called anything: it is generally recommended to use either a contraction of the two namespaces being connected or, alternatively, a term representing the actual relationship between the object types (such as parent).

Adding the relationship

Now that we've defined the relation to hold our new relationship, we can add a test relationship in our test relationships:


Note the use of the organization as the subject in this relationship

Inheriting permissions

Now that we have a means of stating that a document is owned by an organization, and a relation to define administrators role on the organization itself, our final steps are to add an view_all_documents permission to the organization and to edit the view permission to take this permission into account.

To do so, we make use of the arrow operator (->), which allows for referencing permissions across another relation or permission:

/** user represents a registered user's account in our application */
definition user {}

/** organization represents an organization that contains documents */
definition organization {
  /** administrator indicates that the user is an admin of the org */
  relation administrator: user

  /** view_all_documents indicates whether a user can view all documents in the org */
  permission view_all_documents = administrator

/** document represents a document with access control */
definition document {
  /** docorg indicates that the organization owns this document */
  relation docorg: organization

  /** reader indicates that the user is a reader on the document */
  relation reader: user

  /** writer indicates that the user is a writer on the document */
  relation writer: user

  /** view indicates whether the user can view the document */
  permission view = reader + writer + docorg->view_all_documents

The expression docorg->view_all_documents indicates to SpiceDB or Authzed to follow the docorg to any organizations found for the document, and then check for the user against the view_all_documents permission.

By use of this expression, any user defined as an administrator of the organization that owns the document will also be able to view the document!

It is recommended that the right side of all arrows refer to permissions, instead of relations. This allows for easy nested computation, and is more readable.

Adding an administrator user

Now that we've declared that all users in administrator on the organization are also granted the view permission, let's define at least one user in our test data to be an adminstrator:


Testing inherited permissions

Finally, we can add the user to the declarations in Assertions and Expected Relations and verify that the inheritance works:

  - "document:specificdocument#reader@user:specificuser"
  - "document:specificdocument#writer@user:differentuser"
  - "document:specificdocument#view@user:specificuser"
  - "document:specificdocument#view@user:differentuser"
  - "document:specificdocument#view@user:someadminuser"
  - "document:specificdocument#reader@user:anotheruser"
  - "document:specificdocument#writer@user:specificuser"
  - "[user:specificuser] is <document:specificdocument#reader>"
  - "[user:differentuser] is <document:specificdocument#writer>"
  - "[user:someadminuser] is <organization:someorg#administrator>"
  - "[user:specificuser] is <document:specificdocument#reader>"
  - "[user:differentuser] is <document:specificdocument#writer>"

Note the expectation of <organization:someorg#administrator> for someadminuser, instead of reader or writer on the document: the permission is being granted by virtue of the user being an administrator of the organization.

Fully working example

And that's it! We now have a fully working permissions system:

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